Intraorale Kamera für Mac
Suchen Sie nach hochwertigen Intraoralkameras, die nahtlos mit Mac OS funktionieren? Bei ProDENT bieten wir erstklassige Intraoralkameras an, die speziell für Zahnärzte entwickelt wurden, die zuverlässige, hochauflösende Bildgebungslösungen suchen, die mit Mac-basierten Systemen kompatibel sind. Egal, ob Sie Zahnarzt sind und Ihre Diagnosegenauigkeit verbessern möchten, oder ob Ihre Praxis Ihre Bildgebungsgeräte aufrüsten möchte, unsere Mac-kompatiblen Kameras bieten herausragende Qualität, Präzision und Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
Bei der Auswahl einer Intraoralkamera für den Mac müssen Sie unbedingt auf Kompatibilität, Funktionen und Integration mit Ihrer vorhandenen Dentalsoftware achten. Mehrere Marken bieten Kameras an, die nahtlos mit macOS funktionieren und so einen reibungslosen Betrieb in Zahnarztpraxen gewährleisten.
Preisspanne bei ProDENT für Mac-kompatible Intraoralkameras
Bei ProDENT bieten wir eine Reihe von Intraoralkameras an, die mit Mac-Systemen kompatibel sind und auf unterschiedliche klinische Anforderungen und Budgets zugeschnitten sind:
Erschwingliche Optionen
- ProDENT Dental Intraoralkamera PD740 : Dieses Modell kostet 199 US-Dollar und bietet kristallklare Bildqualität mit bis zu 3,8 Millionen Pixeln. Es verfügt über eine einfache Plug & Play-Installation über USB, ist mit Windows 7/8/10 kompatibel und enthält kostenlose proprietäre Dentalbildgebungssoftware. Die PD740 ist vollständig kompatibel mit DEXIS und Apteryx und funktioniert Berichten zufolge mit EagleSoft, PracticeWorks, SoftDent, DentiMax, AbleDent, CliniView, ProfSuni, Digora und mehr.
- ProDENT HD Intraoralkamera PD760 : Diese Kamera ist für 349 US-Dollar erhältlich und liefert hochwertige 720P-Bilder mit 4-fachem Zoom für scharfe, detailreiche Bilder. Sie bietet Plug & Play-Funktionalität ohne Treiber und ist mit Windows 7/8/10 (32 und 64 Bit) kompatibel. Die PD760 lässt sich nahtlos in gängige Bildgebungssysteme wie DEXIS, Eaglesoft, Sidexis und Apteryx integrieren und wird mit einer einjährigen Garantie sowie Telefon- und E-Mail-Support geliefert.
- ProDENT HD Intraoralkamera PD720 : Dieses Modell kostet 469 US-Dollar und liefert hochauflösende Bilder mit 1- bis 4-fachem Zoom für eine klare Diagnose. Es verfügt über ein ergonomisches Design, das sowohl für Links- als auch für Rechtshänder geeignet ist, und lässt sich in gängige Bildgebungssysteme wie Eaglesoft, Dexis und Apteryx integrieren. Die PD720 verfügt über ein Autofokusobjektiv und eine schattenfreie Lichtquelle für präzise Bildgebung, einen USB-Anschluss mit einem langlebigen 2,44 m langen Kabel und wird mit einer 1-jährigen Garantie und einem 30-tägigen Rückgaberecht geliefert.
- ProDENT Dental Intraoralkamera PD750 : Diese verbesserte Version der PD740 ist für 279 US-Dollar erhältlich und bietet eine verbesserte Bildqualität und einen neu gestalteten Kamerakopf zur Minimierung von Unschärfe. Sie bietet kristallklare Bildqualität mit bis zu 3,8 Millionen Pixeln, ein verbessertes Objektiv für schärfere Bilder und Plug & Play-Installation über USB, kompatibel mit Windows 11/10/7/8. Die PD750 enthält kostenlose Dentalbildgebungssoftware und ist vollständig kompatibel mit DEXIS, Apteryx und funktioniert mit EagleSoft, PracticeWorks und mehr.
Jedes dieser Modelle lässt sich nahtlos in Ihre Praxis integrieren und verbessert die Diagnosemöglichkeiten und die Patientenkommunikation.
Kompatibilität der Dental-Bildgebungssoftware mit Mac-unterstützten Intraoralkameras
ProDENT-Intraoralkameras sind mit einer Vielzahl von Dentalbildgebungssoftware kompatibel und gewährleisten eine nahtlose Integration in verschiedene klinische Arbeitsabläufe. Die unterstützte Software umfasst:
- Patterson Eaglesoft
- DEXIS (Versionen 9, 10 und 11)
- Carestream (Kodak KDI)
- Apteryx
- Dentimax
- Vixwin (Gendex)
- Pro prüfen
- Kurvenheld
- Tigerview
- Zahnarzt
- Praktika
- Schick CDR 5
- SoPro Imaging
- Romexis
- Sidexis 4
- Dentrix Aufsteigen
- Offene Zahnbehandlung
- Apixia
- Adstra
- EzDent ich
- CliniView
- Scanora
- CADI-Bildgebung
- Centaur D4W
Diese umfassende Kompatibilität ermöglicht es Zahnärzten, ProDENT-Intraoralkameras problemlos in ihre vorhandenen Systeme zu integrieren.
Mac Capture: Verbesserte Dentalbildgebung für Mac-Benutzer
Mac Capture setzt den Standard für die Integration intraoraler Kameras in Mac OS und ermöglicht Zahnarztpraxen, ihre Bildgebungsfähigkeiten zu maximieren. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf nahtloser Kompatibilität und hochwertiger Bildgebung unterstützt Mac Capture die zahnmedizinischen Softwareplattformen von Mac OS, verbessert diagnostische Arbeitsabläufe und ermöglicht eine bessere Patientenversorgung. Zu den Vorteilen von Mac Capture gehören:
- Laufende Optimierung : Regelmäßige Updates, um anhaltende Kompatibilität mit den neuesten Mac OS- und Dentalsoftware-Updates sicherzustellen.
- Zuverlässige Bilderfassung : Ermöglicht eine schnelle und genaue Bildgebung und trägt so zu einer verbesserten Patientenkommunikation und -versorgung bei.
Unser Engagement für die Weiterentwicklung Mac-kompatibler Dentaltechnologie bedeutet, dass Zahnärzte den Produkten von ProDENT vertrauen, um die Behandlungsergebnisse ihrer Patienten zu verbessern und ihr Praxismanagement zu optimieren.
Mac-Kompatibilitätstests für ProDENT Intraoralkameras
Das Feedback von Zahnärzten unterstreicht die Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung unserer Mac-kompatiblen Intraoralkameras.
Gutachter | Bewertungen | Datum | Rezension |
Anna L. | 5 | 15.09.2023 | Das ProDENT PD740 funktioniert einwandfrei mit Mac OS. Es lässt sich einfach anschließen und die Bildschärfe ist hervorragend – sehr empfehlenswert für jede Mac-basierte Praxis! |
Dr. Michael S. | 5 | 05.08.2023 | Das PD760 bietet klare Bilder und nahtlose Kompatibilität mit Mac OS – perfekt für eine effiziente Bildgebung in jeder Klinik, die Mac-Systeme verwendet. |
Dr. Sarah T. | 5 | 21.07.2023 | Die PD720-Kamera ist sehr gut mit Mac OS kompatibel – die einfache Einrichtung und die scharfe Bildqualität machen sie für meine Mac-basierte Klinik von unschätzbarem Wert. |
Dr. Ben W. | 5 | 18.08.2023 | Die Mac OS-Kompatibilität des PD750 ist beeindruckend, mit großartiger Bildauflösung und zuverlässiger Verbindung bei jeder Verwendung. |
Kundensupport und Fehlerbehebung
Bei ProDENT legen wir Wert auf außergewöhnlichen Kundensupport, um einen reibungslosen Betrieb Ihrer Intraoralkamera zu gewährleisten.
Unterstützende Leistungen
- Technischer Support : Wir bieten kostenlose technische Unterstützung bei Einrichtung, Integration und Fehlerbehebung. Unser Supportteam ist telefonisch unter (321) 352-6712 und per E-Mail unter von Montag bis Donnerstag von 9:00 bis 17:00 Uhr und freitags von 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr EST erreichbar.
- Fernunterstützung : Bei komplexen Problemen bieten wir Fernunterstützung mit Anydesk an. Sie können die Software von unserer Website herunterladen und Ihre 9-stellige ID an unser technisches Team weitergeben, um direkte Unterstützung zu erhalten.
- Terminbuchung : Planen Sie über unser Online-Terminsystem eine Support-Sitzung zu Ihrem Wunschtermin.
Garantie- und Rückgaberichtlinien
- Garantie : Für unsere Intraoralkameras gilt eine einjährige Garantie, die Herstellungsfehler abdeckt und eine zuverlässige Leistung gewährleistet.
- Rückgaberecht : Wir bieten ein 30-tägiges Rückgaberecht. Sie können Produkte innerhalb dieser Frist zurückgeben, wenn sie nicht Ihren Erwartungen entsprechen.
- Benutzerhandbücher und Tutorials : Greifen Sie auf unserer Website auf umfassende Benutzerhandbücher und Online-Tutorials zu, um die Leistung Ihrer Kamera zu optimieren.
- Anleitungen zur Fehlerbehebung : Unsere ausführlichen Anleitungen zur Fehlerbehebung helfen bei der Lösung häufiger Probleme und sorgen für minimale Ausfallzeiten.
Wir bei ProDENT setzen uns dafür ein, Ihnen den Support und die Ressourcen bereitzustellen, die Sie für die optimale Nutzung Ihrer Intraoralkamera benötigen.
Entdecken Sie das Sortiment an Intraoralkameras von ProDENT, die für mehr Präzision und optimierte Arbeitsabläufe für Mac-Benutzer im Dentalbereich konzipiert sind.
Customer Reviews for Intraorale Kamera für Mac
Produktname | Autor | Bewertungen | Rezension | Veröffentlichungsdatum |
Intraorale Kamera für Mac | Anna L. | 5 | Die ProDENT Intraoralkamera für Mac ist ein hervorragendes Werkzeug zur Verbesserung der Patientenberatung. Sie ist übersichtlich, einfach zu bedienen und erschwinglich. | 15.09.2023 |
Intraorale Kamera für Mac | Dr. Michael S. | 5 | Das PD760 bietet klare Bilder und nahtlose Kompatibilität mit Mac OS – perfekt für eine effiziente Bildgebung in jeder Klinik, die Mac-Systeme verwendet. | 05.08.2023 |
Intraorale Kamera für Mac | Dr. Sarah T. | 5 | Die PD720-Kamera ist sehr gut mit Mac OS kompatibel – die einfache Einrichtung und die scharfe Bildqualität machen sie für meine Mac-basierte Klinik von unschätzbarem Wert. | 21.07.2023 |
Intraorale Kamera für Mac | Dr. Ben W. | 5 | Die Mac OS-Kompatibilität des PD750 ist beeindruckend, mit großartiger Bildauflösung und zuverlässiger Verbindung bei jeder Verwendung. | 18.08.2023 |
Happy Buyers, Happy Patients!
Very positive. Awesome product. Easy to use and works perfectly with eaglesoft. Image quality is awesome. Whats more impressive is their customer service. A+
Me Dental Care
We purchased one camera and were very impressed with how easy it was to install with Eaglesoft. We love the image quality, so we purchased 2 more!! Any issues we have had have been easily solved with an email or call to their great customer service.
Integrity Dental Care
Your Tech support was excellent I would recommend you any day
John Barlow (Plymouth Greene Dental)
Very good and caring people. Knowing their product and prompt. Thank you.
Cyrus Bouzar
The prodent camera gets high quality images, easily integrated with dexis software and customer support is excellent.
Orange Grove Dental
This Prodent camera has stellar customer service! They helped me install the software and use of the camera easy with great quality photos. Definitely recommend
Pure Dental
Excellent customer Service. I needed help twice and both the time the knowledgeable tech support helped me. They know what they are doing. They are very prompt, respectful even my knowledge about the computer is limited. They had patience to work with me. The camera itself is very good quality and I am using since few yet. For my future needs I will definitely look for Prodent products. Thanks again Prodent.
C U Smile
I had a lot of trouble getting this to take images in Eaglesoft but Ron from their IT department got the problem figured out. He said he had to research the problem and call me back. To my surprise he really did call back with the solution! It takes very good images. I would definitely recommend this camera.
Camera is surprisingly good for the price. You will need technician to install the software in order to use the capture button. Ron guided me step by step to install that. It is very easy to install. Overall very satisfied with product.
Amazon Customer
I called to troubleshoot and they were amazing fixing my problem. The camera is excellent for the price!
Carlos G.
great price and quality and easy to install and if you have any problems call prodent and they will take care of it! Ron was very helpful! Highly recommend
The first intraoral camera I ordered showed images with a strong blue tintteeth appeared light blue and gums appeared purple. Ron at ProDent customer service was very helpful and shipped a new one. The new camera has a slightly pink tint in all images, but is not very noticeable when taking pictures of a tooth up close. Overall I'm pretty happy with the purchase considering price and customer service.
Bluejay Family Dentistry
Camera quality seems good, but have not yet had the opportunity to use on a patient. Tech support (David) helpful in resolving issues on our computers (requires a small extra step). Will use the product this week to assess functionality especially the Schick sensors in Eaglesoft.
Greg Z.
Works better than description. Better than some more expensive cameras I have owned in the past. Also, should you ever have an question, customer support has been responsive and will solve any installation issue you encounter. Edward was able to even fix my Dexis that was pulling video data from my webcam. Can't say enough good things about this product.
Joy Dental Pines
David does a wonderful job getting this intra oral camera set up.
Fleminton D.
Great camera! We had a $1000 intra oral camera that the images weren’t nearly as clear and at a fraction of the price
Ron at customer support was very helpful. He wired into our computers to set up the camera on each monitor that we have. Great customer service. Works with vixwin.
This is a great product, it was shipped quickly and easy to install and use with CareStream Imaging.
Tom C. White
Great product great customer service
Kaysha Daugherty
Tech support is great! They made sure to follow-up with our office to ensure that the camera was up and running.
G. Smith
For the cost, these cameras are unbeatable. They are a tiny fraction of the cost of a dental supplier version such as Schick or Dexis, which run in the thousands. The image quality is very good, certainly sufficient for our needs. The software setup was done by technical support. Jannele had my camera up and running, including the capture feature, in only about ten minutes. She was very friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommended. Our practice now has four of them, and will replace any other failed cameras with these!
K. Locke
Ron technical support is always making us introral camera up and running.
Highly recommend
Captures pictures with capture button on camera, successful image with the ProDENT than with our DexCam- it is just fine to click the mouse to save. Recommend for those dental teams that want a camera in every operatory and don't see the value of measuring return on investment (ROI).
J. Prakash
First & foremost I need to thank technical support lead David for helping us get our camera back in action. Our office had gone through the process of upgrading all of out computers to Windows 10, updating eaglesoft, functioning on a new server etc...During all the changes and new software versions our intraoral cameras stopped working. At our practice we rely heavily on these cameras to help educate patient as to the trajectory for their treatmentgoing without them was inhibiting this process. Upon calling prodent we were connected with David who tried a few different fixes via remote desktop. This got the camera running in two operatories but not our third (where it was most critical). David was quick to send us a replacement camera at no costwhich arrived promptly. At this point the new camera was exhibiting the same issues as the previous one. David was quick to follow up for resolutionand contacted Eaglesoft tech support to resolve the issue which was occurring in the eaglesoft software.
We are now back in action with our intraoral camera thanks to the hard work of the staff at prodent's tech support. If you're a practice looking to improve communication with patients I'd highly recommend this product. Afterall a picture's worth 1,000 words. Rest assured if anything goes wrong with the product the tech support team will resolve the issue and make things right at the end of the day.
Dr. Alex
This is a product that we use at an office that I work in And we loved it, now I’m in Powless dmd and I have introduced them to The prodent interoral camera and wow my hyg love it, Patient longer have to take your word on what you’re seeing you can actually show them We will be investing in more cameras
Mary Matos
The image is very blurry and not worth the money.
Great Technical support. It works perfectly in my Dexis.
Maria Escoto DDS
We have been using these cameras in our dental office with Aptryx. They take great pictures. Patients love to see what is really going on with their teeth!
Steph T.
Camera works, and was able to contact tech support to get camera working.
Amazon Customer
I was at the dentist and he was using the ProDent camera to take photos o f my teeth. I notice the clarity and definition. I thought this would be a great product to use for my business to take photos of very small electronic components!!
Very easy to use and customer/Technical support was amazing. They got me up and running in less than 5 minutes.
I highly recommend this product
Paul Davidsson, Palm City, FL
The customer support is good, we have ordered for multiple locations, But when an office calls for any help in cameras, can you call help the offices, So I hope to receive good technical support for new offices as well
This is my third time ordering this product and it works great. Technical support assists me all the way in all my questions.
Very affordable, very easy to use. US general dental office in Medford Oregon.
Dr James Forni DDS, Santa Rosa, CA
This intra oral camera works well with our system, we use SCHICK system, if I did run into a problem, I made an appointment with prodent and they fixed it right away! this is a very good company who cares about their products, I would definitely recommend them.
Malika, Riverside, LA
Awesome tech camera to work within SCHICK in 5 minutes..will buy more.
Amanda Van Essen
This product is pretty good. It captures multiple images as well. Quality of the photograph is exceptionally good. I would highly recommend in any dental practice.
Dr. Bhat
The image was good although we can only capture images using the mouse. We believe there was moisture from a saniwipe that rendered it useless. I decided to give it another try and purchased a second camera as the software was already installed in our system. Everyone treats it with kid gloves - no moisture exposure from a wipe allowed. It's always placed in a sheath before use. So far, so good.
Good not great. I ended up buying 3 for my office. The picture quality is much better than the cameras I had before (forgot the brand of my previous cameras). I would recommend these if you want a budget-friendly quality image camera.
John B Shepherd
Our office has 4 Prodent cameras. They take much better pictures than the more expensive intraoral cameras we have had in the past and are easier to use. When we have run into issues tech support has been very helpful as well. I definitely recommend the Prodent camera.
Dr. J.
Great product! These intraoral cameras are so user-friendly and connect right to Dexis. The tech support by Ron has been amazing! He was very helpful in setting up the intraoral cameras and getting them to connect to our software. Thanks again for a great product!
Amazon Customer
Anyone who says this camera “doesn’t work with Dexis” just doesn’t know how to set it up properly. It works just fine. The picture quality is fine as well, although you can’t zoom in and out. Perfect for basic intraoral photos for patient education. Will definitely buy again.
Katie Pokladowski, Shelton, CT
Great camera! Works great, and clear pics! Definitely recommend!!
Samantha, Austin, TX
Great pictures, easy to use. Just download the button activation software online and it works great. I have Apteryx/Xray Vision and it works very well. Pictures do all the talking for the patient.
Jeffrey Cheung
This has been a great product. I had trouble getting it to work with my system, sent a message to tech support and got a callback in about 2 minutes. Edward was my tech and he was great, very helpful and thorough. This product was recommended to me by a colleague, and so far it has been worth every penny!
Mark J. Gleckner, D.M.D., Florham Park, NJ
Old camera not working, so replaced with two new Prodent intraoral cameras which work great in Dexis. Cameras were much cheaper and very good quality.
Spencer Mobbs, Greenbrier, AR
Great camera and support. Highly recommend!!
Dr Elgamal
David was awesome with his tech support. Works with VATech ezdenti.
Anil Dwivedi, D.M.D., P.C., Vienna, VA
We ordered this camera for our dental practice and are in love! The picture image is fantastic and the installation went great. They even followed up with a phone call to make sure things were still working correctly! We have Dentrix and use VixWin software. I would absolutely recommend!
Geri Farmer
I really do not think this is a genuine product of Prodent. I think it is a fake replica because the plastic quality is just a disgrace compared to the high price and the brand name.
Shadi K.
They make sure that everything is up and running. They made several follow-up calls to make sure everything works well.
I got a call to make sure the camera was working and the tech people were very helpful and got things working right away. Great price for what you get.
Robin Omeltschenko
I'm from Poland. Highly recommend this camera. The customer service helped me connect the camera to the computer. This is the best intraoral camera HD so far. I really appreciate that customer service found a way to contact me to do the installation.
Michal Warmuz
Overall, can't beat this camera for the money. The lifetime license is a little hard to understand as you have one year of support with the camera. If you need additional support, you are charged an additional $30 for another year, e.g., if you need to move the license to a new computer. But still, very good value for what you are paying for.
Katy Koth
Great camera for dental patients in Eaglesoft. Quality tech support.
It's a nicer camera than the basic $100 ones, but it doesn't work with my Dentrix Imaging software. The website wasn't helpful, and customer service couldn't figure it out either. Returned for something else.
Does not capture in Apteryx. Even if it did, it only comes with a 30-day trial, which was not disclosed at purchase time. Face pics are fuzzy, so auto-focus is limited. Intraoral images are nice and clear, but our $99 cameras are more practical at this point since they capture and take both nice intraoral and face pics.
Called for help, and the technical support helped install the camera. It finally works with Eaglesoft. The camera works fine, like a thousand-dollar camera.
What a very nice camera! It's lightweight, the LED lights are bright, and the pictures are very sharp. This model interfaces with our Dentrix/Patterson Imaging software perfectly. We will be replacing all of our old cameras with the Prodent 760's. The default settings make the colors accurate. Their tech support is awesome! A big thanks to Ron for all your help linking them with our software in our operatories.
Mario Sandoval, Tracy, CA
Very happy with Tech Support. David is who you need to ask if you need help. He knows what he is doing!
Rachel Duran
We love the fact that this camera takes clear pictures, and the pics go directly into Dexis. It was easy to use and install the software.
Hilary Mills
This camera is easy to use and very light. Tech support was very helpful with Dexis compatibility! Well worth the money!
Mark E. Taylor, DDS, PA
This camera takes good, clear pictures and is easy to use. It integrated well with our Apteryx software. We've tried several cameras, from expensive ones (Claris) that gave nice pictures but were difficult to integrate, to cheap eBay cameras that gave poor pictures and still had integration issues. This camera is a good buy, especially for the price.
Amazon Customer
I replaced my Dex-cam with this Pro Dent PD760. Works great! Tech support was awesome!
Michael T.
Picture quality is on par with much more expensive dental cameras. The camera has a good look and feel to it. A few hiccups with the capture button were quickly addressed by a terrific customer support representative. Overall, very impressed and considering outfitting every operatory with one of these.
Amazon Customer
Works with Dentrix/Dexis integrated software. Produces images as useful as those from much more expensive cameras, with better image quality and a working capture button on the wand compared to cheaper dental cameras.
Steve Fortenberry DDS, PLLC
Ordered this camera last week. Setting it up was very easy. Very easy to figure out, and the quality is great! 10 out of 10 would recommend!
Jennifer A. McConathy
I thought I may have made a mistake in buying this product, but it was purely operator error. Edward from tech support was amazing at helping me understand the proper installation for Carestream/Softdent/Kodak. He offered to install the camera on every computer that will be accessing it. I was able to follow his actions on the original install and installed the device on all other necessary computers. I am very happy with the ease of use and clarity of the images. I will soon buy 5 more cameras over a short period to have one in every one of our six operatories.
Dr. David, Virginia Beach, VA
Works great with our software and provides clear image quality that rivals more expensive intraoral cameras.
Amazon Customer
Tech support was wonderful and very helpful. Can’t wait to start using the camera.
Tameika Valgean, Jamaica, NY
Ron called 3 days after receiving the camera to do an install. It was very quick and easy.
William U. Britton DDS, Jackson, OH
Great camera, and the price is right. Works well with our Dexis 9.4.8 (had to upgrade from version 9.4.5), plus the ProDENT CAPTURE software provided.
Exceptional service. The camera works with Dexis 10. Capture button works perfectly.
Takes good pictures and works well with Eaglesoft software.
Stopped working, but technical support assisted me to fix the issue right away.
Sweeta Nagpal
Bought 2 of these and love them.
Javier J. Brito, DDS, Jacksonville, Florida
GREAT CAMERAS FOR THE PRICE! I use Eaglesoft in my office, and these cameras are awesome. Took less than 10 minutes to install and use. I called customer service, and they made it easy. Lost thousands of dollars on Sirona cameras; thank you for the savings. Dr. G
Amazon Customer
Proactive Dental, Dallas, TX
Great value for the price. Easy to install and use with our Dentrix imaging software. It's perfect for patient education; you can show them what you see and explain procedures much better with a real-time visual aid.
Cordial Dental
Working great with Dexis! Clear images, and customer service is amazing!
Devan R. Berry, DDS PLLC
It is the first intraoral camera I own, and it was very easy to install. Tech support was super helpful when we had a problem where the software could not read/integrate the image into the system. They helped us right away, and the problem was solved quickly. Even though the image is not the very best quality, it is pretty decent, and the price is not outrageous compared to others in the market. Bottom line: I am very happy with my purchase!
Old camera stopped working, so I replaced it with two new ProDent intraoral cameras. They work great in Dexis. The cameras were much cheaper and of very good quality.
Spencer Mobbs
Great camera and support. Highly recommend!
Dr. Elgamal
Edward was very helpful in getting the cameras integrated into our software. I'm not tech-savvy, but he was patient and great. The cameras are quite an upgrade from our old ones.
Amazon Customer
Works with Apteryx.
K Family Dentistry
Integrated well with the Dexis/Dentrix system. Felt lighter than the Dexis cam but still easy to use.
Dean H. Langley, DDS
Customer service is excellent. Clear images integrate well with Dexis.
Image clarity can be better. Works well and captures with button (after installation of capture button software; 2 licenses included with each camera) with DentiMax and ProfSuni without issues so far. I have had this for only a few days, though, but will update the review after a few months of use.
Dr. Ken
My initial impression is that I’m very satisfied. First off, this camera does not take the same pictures as a $5000 intraoral camera but it also costs less than 1/10 of the price. I would say that the picture quality (640 x 480) is more than adequate for basic patient education and showing fractured/decayed teeth, gingival recession, etc. If you are planning a full-mouth case or any type of comprehensive treatment, you are probably better off taking a proper series of retracted shots with a high-quality camera anyway. It’s a nice plus that you can equip all of your ops for half the cost of one high-end intraoral camera. Also, if someone drops one of these things, it’s not a really bad day like with a $5000 camera. I am using ClearDent, and I can confirm that it works perfectly. The camera itself worked immediately after plugging it into the USB port; however, a tech had to remote in to install a driver to make the capture button work properly. It didn’t take long for them to install, and they called exactly when they said they would and were very professional. Overall, a great experience so far. Only time will tell in terms of longevity.
Dr. Mike
The most professional company I have ever dealt with! Tech support was amazing in every way, made the installation painless, and we were set up to take photos in 2 minutes. Works well with our existing programs. The pictures come out perfect. Was a great value at a fraction of the cost of other cameras. Everyone should buy this for dental use!
Dr. James H. Hajovsky
Great product. Our dental office updated to Windows 10, which rendered our current cameras useless. Instead of spending $5000 per camera, we purchased the ProDent PD-760. The software installed easily, and the capture button works with our dental software, Eaglesoft. Save yourself some money and purchase this camera.
Dr. Guerrero
I was having trouble installing it, but I called technical support, and they were very helpful. They installed the camera for me. I will be purchasing more cameras for my other operatories!
Dr. Fahreen Pardhan
This camera works great! Very easy to use! The support team is so helpful! I would recommend this camera!
Arrived on time, easy installation, and has good-quality pictures. Good camera for the price!
Nader Rezvan
I like the autofocus but have to stay close to the tooth. Tech support is helpful when the drivers act out.
Technical support was great. Great product for the money.
Dr. Michael C. Moon
Easy to use. Good resolution. Automatically captures and saves in Eaglesoft.
A bit tricky to get it going.
Dr. Uri Levy DMD
I'm from Poland. I highly recommend this camera. The customer service helped me connect the camera to my computer. This is the best intraoral camera HD so far. I really appreciate that customer service found a way to contact me to do the installation.
Michal Warmuz
Great product, clear images. We did have trouble with the capture button, but tech support helped. If any other customers have issues with the capture button, just call tech support. They are great!
Cassie Alberty, Fort Gibson, OK
This has been a great camera. It was easy to install with the help of technical support. They really explained how to walk through everything and made sure we were happy with the product! I had to call support a second time, and they were very quick to contact and resolved our issue. I definitely recommend this camera.
Angela Monroe, Mangum, OK
It was easy to install and integrate with Eaglesoft. The quality is as good as the very expensive camera we had. Technical support has been great. Reached the help desk quickly, and it took just a few minutes to install and test.
Dr. Ruhi Goleataneh, Bethesda, MA
Just had two more of these cameras installed, now 4 in total. An unusually high level of support for an inexpensive item. I use Apteryx; no compatibility issues. I see no reason to buy a more expensive camera.
Dr. Samuel Barr, Oneida, NY
I have been using intraoral cameras since I started practicing dentistry and have used many brands. I wanted a camera that integrated well with Eaglesoft (my EHR software) and would not confuse my team members. This camera allows my team members to take continuous photos and loads right into patient charts. A team member recently said she would hate practicing dentistry without an intraoral camera, as patients never get to see what you see. I have to say that these are the best intraoral cameras I have ever used! I now have one for every operatory in the practice!
Dr. Mark Thiele, Long Beach, CA
Customer service was easy to reach and installed the camera in minutes. Very happy with our purchase.
Dr. Paul Dimattia, Dallas, TX